Alec describes how he ended up studying under Kenneth Boulding at the University of Colorado and how that shaped his lifelong work as an economic educator.
Alec provides a brief history of steady-state economics beginning with Kenneth Boulding and culminating the the work by Herman Daly. Twelve strategies for implementing a steady-state economy are introduced.
Decreasing economic disparity is the first and probably the most critical strategy that must be addressed to mover toward an "ecological economics."
We discuss the dynamic between income and wealth disparity and its relationship to well-being.
Alec and Keith discuss how the Covid pandemic reveals the fatal flaws of the current economic ideology and the ways to change it.
Alec and Keith meander a bit. They expand virus to apply to spiritual, ideological, and economic operations and question how the covid-19 crisis reveals a deeper problem in all of us. The need to transform the the narrative, storyline, or worldview is increasingly critical.
Alec and Keith wrap up their discussion of income and wealth inequality.
Keith and Alec discuss the shortcomings of GDP as an appropriate measure of economic vitality and well-being and discuss alternatives.
Alec introduces public banking as another feature of a steady state economy.
Alec and Keith continue their discussion of public banking addressing the main criticisms to it.
Alec and Keith discuss natural capital and the issues around land ownership and use in a steady-state (spaceship) economy rather than our current (cowboy) economy.
Keith and Alec continue to explore the critical relationship of land and economics. They explore the notion of ownership and property within the framework of capitalism and rights and the downward spiral of natural destruction, economic inequality, and exclusion of essential elements of life.
Keith and Alec expand their discussion of land as "natural capital" in connection with Herman Daley's and Henry George's advocacy toward restructuring tax to natural resources and away from capital and labor.
Alec and Keith discuss population control as another one of the strategies for a steady-state economy.
Alec and Keith discuss the issues of international trade as it relates to the strategies for a steady-state economy.
Keith and Alec continue their discussion of international trade within the context of steady state economics. They focus on reasonable and practical responses to the problems of globalization.
Keith and Alec revisit a theme that has run throughout the series: What will it take to change the narrative away from the neo-liberal economic storyline that has dominated the American psyche for the last 50 years?
Buchanan, Mark Forecast; What Physics, Meteorology, and the Natural Sciences Can Teach Us About Economics
Pizzagati, Sam The Case for a Maximum Wage
Wilkinson, Richard and Kate Picket The Spirit Level; How Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger
Ruckhaus, Keith "Abnormal is the New Normal"
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economics
2009 Sarkozy Report on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress